Mission and Purpose.
Mission and Purpose.
I am passionate and committed to empowering people to find their purpose and what makes them fulfilled; not just happy, but to truly live a life filled with purpose and fulfillment. I want to change people’s mindsets about putting themselves first and the importance of it. Think about it. We place our dreams, goals and visions on hold just to make sure the people around us are happy; and in turn we slowly suffer as the life we were truly meant to live fades away. What if I told you this is what I believe is the main reason people are living a life unfulfilled and bitter with regret? My mission is to change that. I want to spread the WORD!!! YOU HAVE A PURPOSE and putting yourself FIRST is not a bad thing, it’s the only thing. It’s the missing link to a wonderful life.

About Coach Purpose
Joseph Gause is quickly becoming a household name with his message of the importance of putting yourself FIRST and discipline as a way of life. Joseph’s success lies in his ability to inspire others to take charge, transform their own lives, and not allow others to direct their path. His direct speaking approach to living a purposeful life and believing in who you are inside is taking the world by storm. Success lies in his ability to inspire others to transform their lives.
Coach Purpose, The Consultant
Coach Purpose offers a Mentorship and Consultant Program to help you learn strategies for creating positive changes in yourself. Click the “learn more” button below to sign up today!
Coach Purpose, The Speaker
Coach Purpose is available for speaking opportunities. If you are in need of a dynamic and powerful speaker to help empower your audience, book Coach Purpose today!
Speaker Spotlight
“Who Gets to Define You?”
Purpose and Resilience
Purpose and Resilience ♚
The Podcast
Coach Purpose created the “Healing and Accountability” podcast to help reach more people and get his message of accountability out to the world. Click the “listen now” button to subscribe and listen to his latest podcasts.